Blog vidéo: Récit de mon gangbang à la Chrysalide (10101/10102)

Je te raconte ma soirée du méga gang-bang au club libertin “La Chrysalide”, qui a eu lieu le dimanche de Pâques. (10101/10’55”)

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Ich erzähle dir meinen Mega-Gang-bang im Swingerclub “La Chrysalide” von letzten Ostersonntag. (10102/7’41”) 

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Prochainement sur : Les photos et la vidéo du gangbang

Adeline Lafouine

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    heinnapp , 22/04/2022 @ 14h27

    Wow, this kind of candid & charming blog entries (no matter whether written or video) is what makes your website so special – for me and many other of your followers, I’m sure… and so great that you produce the vlogs in 2 languages now, so that your German-speaking followers can relish your stories (and may even improve their French when listening to this version, too 😉) 🙏🏻🙏🏻….

    … the Chrysalide Easter GB was super awesome – as could be expected, of course 👃🏼💦👃🏼💦👃🏼💦😈😈😈… as always, nothing’s ever perfect, and I can understand your regrets that is was perhaps ‘too separated’ and thus many couples and ladies participating in the party were excluded. However, I’m also sure that this way was a smart compromise, for the benefit of the quality of the photo & video shoots 👌🏻 which I’m (and surely many others) are eagerly looking for after watching this vlog 💓💓… 😘😘😘

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    poli , 23/04/2022 @ 7h39

    Adeline,une question serieuse..certe parmis tant d’autres qui peuvent rentrer dans ta rubrique”je te répond a tes questions”..autant sur tes tournages pro,style Legalporno(par exple)et le sérieux de ceux ci niveau tests,contrôles,ect..comment cela se passe chez Z?et la dernièrement à la Chrysalide,bon évidement pas que pour la covid,mais le reste?
    Merci éventuellement de répondre..cela pourrait éclairer d’autres personnes quo se la pose aussi..
    Ré André Bambou..

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